Visit to the Perama Cave
Find out about the opening hours of Perama Cave and find useful information for the tour as well as ticket prices. Use the interactive map below to see exactly where the Cave is located in relation to Ioannina and click the "Start Navigation" button to display clear information on how to get to the Cave from where you are. Easily organize your visit and enjoy another wonder of nature!

Operating Hours
* The above schedule may be revised along the way. In this case, a new announcement will follow on the website of Spilaio Perama and on social media (Facebook and Twitter).
Tour Information
tour duration
tourist route
18oC temperature
throughout the whole year
All tickets are available exclusively at the cave ticket office.
Tickets can be purchased only from the ticket offices of Perama Cave. The maximum wait from the issuance of the ticket until the tour is 25 minutes. The beginning of the tour is announced by a loudspeaker installation of the Cave.
The Cave of Perama, Ioannina, is located just five kilometers from the city center of Ioannina in the homonymous suburb of Perama, on the hill Goritsa. His feet are bathed in the lake Pamvotida of Ioannina, which became famous with the legend of Kyra-Frosini and Ali Pasha.